The Internet's most comprehensive listing
of boy-related and boylove websites

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Discussion: Boards
Free Spirits boards
World's longest-running message board for English-speaking boylovers.
Meta discussion about BoyChat.
Hot topics and current events.
The Treehouse
Jokes and silliness.
Where trolls go to die.
Boylove poems and prose.
Forum for Dutch-speaking boylovers.
Meta discussion about Jongensforum.
Forum for German-speaking boylovers.
Meta discussion about Jungsforum.
Peer-to-peer support group for boylovers and girllovers.
La Garçonnière
Forum for French-speaking boylovers.
Le fils de la crémière
Other boards
Please be aware that some of these boards might have 'members only' areas requiring registration and/or a minimal level of participation e.g. a set number of posts per month. All links were reviewed at time of inclusion, however because of the dynamic nature of boards we cannot vouch for their present-day content. If you find any illegal content in any of the included links, please notify the Webmaster immediately. Also be aware that some of the boards linked in this section may permit signature pictures or avatars to be linked on external servers, potentially making your IP address visible to third parties. Free Spirits cannot be held responsible for this.
Boylandonline (BLOL)
Boylandonline (BLOL) is an online forum for Boylovers who seek support, discussion,
fellowship and happiness in life, away from society's wrongful persecution.
B.O.Y.S. Boys On Your Screen
Christian BoyLove Forum
Most Christian boylovers find themselves in the position of having no one to turn to who shares
their faith as well as their sexual feelings. This board attempts to fill that gap.
Mainly Czech-language forum with small English section.
Also includes information and resources about pedophilia.
Links included in this page were checked and believed to be legal in most Western juridictions at the time of inclusion.
We do not necessarily agree with or endorse all views expressed in the pages linked.
The content of pages linked is not under our control, and can change without notice.
If you find any illegal content in any of the included links, please notify the Webmaster immediately.
Entire contents of BoyLinks is Copyright by Free Spirits.
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